Disney’s live-action remake of The Little Mermaid (2023), under the direction of Rob Marshall, brings a fresh, enchanting take on the beloved animated classic. With Halle Bailey’s ravishing portrayal of Ariel and a beautifully reimagined underwater land, the film captures the original’s magic while offering greater profundity to its characters and story.
Here are 12 of the best quotes from The Little Mermaid that illustrate us why this tale remains a timeless treasure.
- Ariel: “I don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.”
- King Triton: “You shouldn’t have to give up your voice to be heard.”
- Scuttle: “You’ve got to bat your eyes, like this, and you’ve got to pucker your lips, like this.”
- Ursula: “Life’s full of tough choices, isn’t it?”
- Prince Eric: “You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met before.”
- Sebastian: “The human world is a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they’ve got up there!”
- Ariel: “What would I give to live where you are? What would I pay to stay here beside you?”
- Ursula: “Never underestimate the importance of body language!”
- Scuttle: “The dinglehopper is the most fascinating human discovery.”
- King Triton: “The sea is a part of who we are. It’s sacred.”
- Ariel: “I just don’t see things the way he does. Maybe I’m wrong.”
- Sebastian: “Go on and kiss the girl!”
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